It is said that this figure was added to the range after Queen Mary, on viewing the Britains Home Farm series at the 1927 British Industries Fair, remarked that it had 'everything but the village idiot'. While this story is probably apocryphal, it could explain why Britains chose this questionable subject for a children's toy. However, it did not reappear after the War.
If we ignore the political incorrectness, this is a beautifully detailed figure, with light brown smock, dark green trousers, blue-grey socks and black boots with white laces. Particular attention has been paid to painting the facial detail. On his head is a brown hat with yellow feather, and his movable right arm is holding a stick.
This example is in good condition, with some paint loss mainly from the backs of the arms and the corners of the green base.
Scale: 1:32
Height: 59mm.
Approx Years: 1927 - 1941
Condition: Good, unboxed
Shipping Weight: 31g
The old toys in this shop are offered as collectors' items only, and may not conform to modern toy safety standards.